Monday, September 12, 2011

Cambodia Mission Jan. 2012

This picture of Danny Carrigan and Hutton Brown was taken on
our last medical mission to Cambodia. It serves as a reminder
that we will need to fund the next mission in January 2012. The
greatest expense we have is to supply all the meds needed to
treat about 10,000 patients.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Next Surgery Camps June 2011

In June we will be conducting two surgical camps at the same time . One will be in Nias, Indonesia, June 7-12, where we hope to complete 200 eye surgeries. Danny Carrigan will represent Bands at that site, as he has ably done in the past.

The other will be in Malindi, Kenya, June 6-17. There we will be attempting to successfully complete the largest general surgery camp we have ever conducted. John Baley will be accompaning a team of six general surgeons and six anesthesiologists with a crew of other health professionals numbering about 30. Some of the team will work for two weeks while others will only be there for one.

We believe all the supplies and equipment are ready for shipment and the teams are eager to get to work. We appreciate your help and prayers.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Guatemala Surgeries

BandS sponsors surgeries at the Ezell Clinic in Guatemala in early February 2011. Rick Harper, CEO of Health Talents International, shared these photos of recent cleft palate surgeries.


One year later


One week later

You can sponsor a cleft palate surgery for $250. Click here for ways to donate.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Great Wall of China

No trip to China would be complete without a visit to the Great Wall. There are several places where you can enter the wall, but this place was new to us. You could take a gondola to the wall and then, if you were adventurous, ride a toboggan down the chute to the bottom of the mountain. Not all of us chose to ride the toboggan.
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Introduction To

Welcome to BandS Blogspot.

After creating our Web Site we recognized that we needed an easy way to keep you informed about our work and travels. Keeping the web up to date is not an easy task, so we settled on the blog. Hope you will come here often and see what we are doing by the grace of God and the generosity of kind hearted people.

Our most recent activity is providing funds for the victims of the typhoon that hit the Philippines. Over 1200 were killed and one million left homeless. We have already begun the task of feeding those who have suffered loss. Many have responded to this and we have been able to wire money to the workers there. The most urgent needs have been medical supplies, food & water and clothing. Today a group of doctors and workers will begin working there. This work will have to continue for sometime because of the large number of people affected.

BandS pays for the money transfer, so all of your contribution goes to the work there. They have use of the money within 3 or 4 days of our sending it.

BandS will lead a group to the Philippines in January 2007. I will visit the site while I am in the Philippines.

A good place to go for photographs of the devastation:

John C Bailey, DMD
BandS Ministries
PO Box 1926
Colleyville, TX 76034